A long time ago when I was finishing up with Symantec, I received a lovely Linkedin recommendation from a colleague that finished with:
"The Altiris/Symantec group were a family and Tony was the head of that family"
That certainly wasn't by design and was mostly unconscious behaviour on my part. It's almost 10 years later, and now that I have a young family of my own, I'm only just starting to realise the power and simplicity of that approach.
With Carol Dwecks growth mindset research becoming much more mainstream and popular, I am reminded every day of how it can transfer to work environment.
Which is efficient really. It means I get to practice the same strategies at home and work. It worries me that my 3 year old toddler is much easier to be patient with though :)
Do you think of and treat your people as "resources" or family?